Discrete Element Code for Non-spherical Particles
Please check this website or follow the Project on Researchgate for the updates if needed.
The source code of SudoDEM2D/3D is hosted at a GitHub repository SudoDEM.
The source codes of the third-party libraries are hostd at a GitHub repository 3rdlibs.
The latest compiled packages support Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04 and 24.04:
The compiled third-party libraries can be downloaded if you do not prefer to compile them again:
For Ubuntu 18.04 and older:
Note: Binaries were compiled just for Ubuntu 14 ~ 18. For other Linux distributions, you have to comiple and install from the sources. The compilation and installation without root will be introduced in the quick guide listed below.
The latest quick guide: Version 1.2.
Scripts of examples for both 2D and 3D in the subfolder of source code, here
Read the installation guide in the codes for compiling the sources on your computer.
If you plan to publish your research work using this code, please consider citing one of the following publications: